Let’s Talk Week – empowering and informing Dorset families
Families of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) were left feeling more empowered and informed about services available to provide them with support thanks to Let’s Talk Week.
Dorset Council, NHS Dorset, and the Dorset Parent Carer Council recently worked together to host “Let’s Talk Week”, an event designed to connect families with local services, provide essential information, and address pressing questions.
The first event was held at Kingston Maurward and six other regional locations, welcoming families eager for insights and advice about their children.
With over 150 attendees across Dorset, “Let’s Talk SEND” offered families of children with special educational needs and disabilities a unique opportunity to meet directly with senior representatives from 30 essential services, covering topics such as education, health, transport, short breaks, and support for making the move into adulthood.
Attendees shared their appreciation for the chance to be introduced to so many new services that may be able to support their families and children.
One attendee said “having lots of different services together at the same event made it easy to find those that could best help.”
Another said “the teams were excellent, they were well informed and informative, took the time to listen and understand, and help point you to other relevant services.”
Many families shared that they valued discussions on emotionally based school absence, post-16 options, alternative provisions, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), and available school support.
Lesley Mellor, Chair of Dorset Parent Carer Council said “Thank you to all the parent carers who joined us for Let’s Talk Week.
“Your valuable conversations are already making an impact, with many issues now being addressed.
“This week has highlighted our shared commitment to supporting children and young people from birth through to adulthood. Thank you for helping make it a success!”
Sarah Lerigo Associate Designated Clinical Officer for SEND at NHS Dorset said “We would like to say a big thankyou to all the families who attended our recent face-to-face event in Dorset”
“The day was filled with informative stalls and was a wonderful opportunity to connect with families and listen to the experiences of our children, young people, and their families as they navigate the SEND system.”
“We hope the families got as much from it as we did. We are deeply committed to our community and look forward to continuing our partnership with Dorset Council and Dorset Parent Carer Council to create more opportunities for family engagement.”
Amanda Davis, Corporate Director for Education and Learning said “I was thrilled to meet with so many families, and to hear about their individual circumstances.
“By working together, as a whole system, including parents, we’ll be able to continually improve things for our families and children.”
Clare Sutton, Dorset Council Cabinet Member for Children Services, Education and Skills said “We welcome every chance to connect with families, hear their stories, and explore how we, as a whole system, can better support their children’s success. This event provided an excellent opportunity to do just that.”
Many attendees reported leaving with a greater sense of confidence and clarity. Parents and carers appreciated the open dialogue and expressed their desire for similar events in the future, a sentiment echoed by Dorset Council and its partners.
This is all part of a bid to create open conversations regarding the world of SEND.
Dorset Council also run online events, every half term, on a variety of topics. Information about the next event can be found on their website at www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/letstalksend
For lots of helpful resources and information about support available for children with special educational needs and disabilities, see www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/localoffer