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Dorset businesses invited to help shape the county’s economic future

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A montage of images showing different business activities
Dorset Council is inviting businesses to have their say on its new economic growth stratgegy

Dorset Council is inviting the local business community to help shape its new economic growth strategy.

Growing the economy is a key priority for the council and it wants to work with the business community to ensure the future success of the county.

The council’s emerging economic growth strategy will play a key part in driving growth and businesses are asked to have their say at five engagement events.

From 14 to 25 March, there will be events in Wool, Bridport, Wimborne, Shaftesbury and Portland.

Dorset Council Leader, Cllr Nick Ireland, said: “A strong economy underpins everything we want to achieve. It will increase wealth, create more opportunities for people, improve living standards, and boost funds for public services.

“These events will be used to gauge the views of businesses on the challenges they face plus the opportunities for growth.

“We want to ensure we capture the key issues in our strategy, and more importantly identify what we can do to make a step change in the county’s economic performance.”

The council recognises that a change is needed to break the cycle of slow economic growth. 

Its economic growth strategy will set out how the council can support and diversify the economy through digital technology, investing in advanced manufacturing sector and focusing on Dorset’s natural advantages.

The business engagement events are being held at:

Business can book their spot by clicking on the links above.

