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Dorset pupils get their first pick of secondary school 

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Today marks an important day for young people in Dorset, as they find out which schools they will join in September, with the majority of them being offered their first choice. 

98.3 per cent of applicants have been offered their first choice of secondary school and just under 97.6 per cent offered their upper school of choice. 

Cllr Byron Quayle, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Early Help said: 

“We understand how important school choice is for families, and the team here work exceptionally hard to listen to families and do their very best by them. 

“I am delighted that most in the Dorset Council area have been offered their first choice of senior or upper school. 

“I wish the students the very best of luck as they get ready to join their new schools in September.” 

From 9:30am on Friday 1 March parents and carers will be able to log onto their online account and see the outcome of their application.  

In addition, where an email address has been submitted as part of the application, families will be sent a link to get their formal outcome letter. 

Overall Dorset Council processed 3413 applications for 2024 entry, with 94.2 per cent of parents and carers opting to complete their applications online. 

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Categories: Educational Level
