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Another Mother – a poem to my foster carer

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A child in care has written a heartfelt poem explaining how her foster carer has become ‘another mother’ to her. In the poem, Katie* age 14, expresses how her foster carer has become her rock and the one she turns to in times of need.

Another Mother
I cry, and I sob
I weep, and I wail
Into the arms of another

The floors creak
The dogs bark,
But it's in the house of another

The compassion runs deep
But the memories run deeper
But its with that of another

Another one to care for me
Another one to love me
Another one for me

This one cares
This one wishes for my arise, and not my downfall
This one is my rock
This one is mine, all mine.

Another for the records
One that will stay
Another mother
One that will last forever


Angela, Katie’s foster carer said, “Katie has been with us now for almost a year and receiving the poem from her deeply moved me. It is an incredibly beautiful and meaningful poem, and the words capture so much emotion.

“Overall, we have fostered for 14 years now, and we do it for many reasons. It allows us to make a positive difference in a child’s life, offering them stability and care during a difficult period of their life. Every child deserves a safe and loving home and it's our way of giving back to the community and helping to shape a brighter future for children in need.”

If you would like to know more about fostering with Dorset Council, visit the website, download an information pack, or follow us on social media.

Why Foster with Dorset Council?

Dorset Council’s fostering service helps children in care stay close to home by placing them with foster carers from their local communities. By doing this, we can offer young people throughout Dorset a loving and safe place to call home.

We welcome fostering applications from people from all backgrounds and walks of life. Support, training and allowances are available to all our carers, as well as access to our supportive fostering community, made up of over 190 households across Dorset.

Visit to find out more.
