A message to library customers affected by the new library software

We wish to apologise for the challenges you have faced with our new library management system, which has affected our self-service functions and overall customer experience.
We know performance of the system is not where we need it to be, and we are working hard to fix the issues. However, Dorset Council cannot solve the issues or improve the system alone. We are part of a consortium of seven library authorities called LibrariesWest, who are all experiencing the same challenges. The LibrariesWest systems team and our new supplier are working through an improvement plan and are meeting daily to find and implement solutions to address all issues.
We appreciate the frustrations that customers may feel during this time, but ask that you continue to show kindness to our library teams. We all care deeply about our services and our library teams are reporting issues daily, to help fix the problems.
We moved to the new Library Management System in June 2024. The transfer from the old to the new system had to happen quickly to avoid a break in service. This work initially focussed on transferring 2.4 million catalogue records, migrating 162 libraries and maintenance of the issue and return functionality. This was a big task, and we have had to pause at this point to stabilise the IT system. This means there is a delay in the re-introduction of some self-service functions including borrower notifications, viewing your loan history, and pending reservations. Our library teams will show understanding when considering over-due charges incurred whilst customer borrower notifications have not been working.
Our teams welcome the opportunity to support you in branch through advice or reading suggestions, our engaging events and activities programme and free public computers.
To keep updated on progress please continue to follow LibrariesWest webpages (www.librarieswest.org.uk/important-news-updates).
For any queries or comments regarding our new library management system please email: LibrariesWest@somerset.gov.uk or Dorsetlibraries@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
We would like to assure you that we expect the new system to deliver improvements in the overall customer experience once we have resumed normal service. We look forward to introducing these new features as soon as they are ready to use.
As a valued library customer, we thank you for your continued understanding.