This is an image of the outside of Weymouth Library, a red brick building.

Before I go to the library

Weymouth Library is open at these times:

Library opening times
Monday: 10am to 5pm
Tuesday: 10am to 5pm
Wednesday: 10am to 5pm
Thursday: 10am to 6pm
Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday: Closed

If I am nervous about going, I can talk to the library staff and ask questions first. I can call:

This is an image of a person talking on a telephone.

I can open the doors to the library by holding my hand above the white and black door sensor pad found on the wall outside the library.  This will make the doors open automatically.

This is a picture of the entrance to the library with the automatic doors open.  There is a welcome sign inside the door.
I can ask the library staff for a tour of the library.

This is a picture of a map of the library, detailing what is on the ground and first floors.
About the library

There are people who work at the library who I can talk to. I will know who they are by their badges.

This is a picture of five library assistants standing and smiling at the camera.
The library is usually a quiet place where people talk quietly, relax and read books.

This is an image of a white table and two chairs.  There are some books on the table and shelves of books in the background.
Sometimes it might be noisy. If it is noisy, I can talk to a librarian. 

This picture shows a group of adults and children attending a rhythm time session.  The room is full of chairs and there are soft cushions in the centre for the children.
I can ask to borrow ear defenders.

This is an image of a pair of blue ear defenders.

In the children’s area there are bubble tubes to help me relax and a sensory wall to explore.

This is a picture of the children's area with bubble tubes and fish shaped bean bag in the background.  There are book holders and seats for children in the foreground.
The library will have sensory items to help me relax if I am anxious. I can ask a member of staff for these.

This picture shows a selection of sensory toys on the carpet.
How I become a member of the library

When I get to the library I will see a desk. I will talk to one of the library staff there about how to become a member of the library.

This is an image of the front desk with two computer screens and keyboards.

I will complete a form. I will write my name, address, date of birth, telephone number and email address and sign it.

This picture shows a Library Membership Form.
I will show them identification. This can be a driving licence, bank statement or household bill.

This picture shows an example of a driving licence, one of the excepted forms of identification to get a library card.

The library staff will give me a library card and a PIN.

This picture shows shelves of books and dvds.
I can sit in a chair to read a book.

This picture shows a chair to the left side and a small round table to the right with magazines on it.
I can borrow a book or DVD and take it home with me. I will have to pay to borrow a DVD.

This picture shows a person pulling out a book from a shelving unit full of books.

If I want to borrow a book or DVD I will talk to a member of the library staff.

This is a picture of the help desk in the library with a computer screen.
The staff will show me how to borrow the books or DVD and tell me when I need to bring it back to the library.

This picture shows a library assistant using the self service machine.

There are other activities I can do at the library.

This picture shows a table with a jigsaw puzzle half completed on it and the puzzle box in the background. There is a notice saying, Jigsaw Challenge beside the box.
The library will also have some computers. Using the computers is free, but I will have to pay for printing. 

This picture shows a long desk with five computer screens and keyboards and four chairs in front.

I can reserve a time to use a computer or I can wait for one to be available.  

If I have a library card, I can use it to log into the computers.

If I don’t have a library card, I can ask a member of staff and they will give me a guest card I can use instead.

This picture shows four people sitting on chairs looking at computer screen, there is one computer in the middle unused.
When I have finished, I will leave the library, using the black and white hand sensor next to the door to open it.

This picture shows the wooden and glass exit doors with a push button to the left side to open the doors.