Visiting us

Middlehill Road
BH21 2HL
01202 886676
Get directions to Colehill Community Library
View the Colehill Community Library website

This library is managed by the local community.

Opening times

Monday: 2pm to 5pm
Tuesday: 9:30am to midday and 2pm to 5pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 2pm to 5pm
Friday: 2pm to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to midday
Sunday: Closed


Colehill Community Library events

Dates: Wednesday 12 April 2023

to Tuesday 12 April 2033

Time: 9am to 10am

See other events at other libraries

Dates, times and more details about events happening at other libraries in Dorset.

Clubs and activities

Find out details and times of regular clubs and activities at Colehill Community Library:

Services and facilities

Supporters of Colehill Community Library

Supporters of Colehill Community Library have a website you can visit.


Volunteering at a library

Find out about volunteering at libraries.

Information for schools and teachers

Find information for schools and teachers.

Information for teenagers

Find information for teenagers.