Land west of Church Hill, and Land off Butts Close and Schoolhouse Lane, Marnhull - Public Inquiry core documents
Public Inquiry core documents
- CD1 Application documents and Plans
- CD2 Additional/Amended Plans/Reports submitted after validation
- CD3 Development Plan
- CD4 Inquiry Documents (includes Wheatcroft plans etc) (to include topic papers)
- CD5 Other Relevant Documents
- CD6 Reg 14 Marnhull Neighbourhood Plan
- CD7 Emerging Dorset Local Plan
- CD8 Consultee Responses on Planning application
- CD9 Additional Responses following Appeal Notification
- CD10 Proofs of Evidence - LPA
- CD11 Proofs of Evidence - Appellant
- CD12 Proofs of Evidence - Marnhull Parish Council
- CD13 Case Law and Appeals
- CD14 Rebuttals - LPA
- CD15 Rebuttals - Appellant
- CD16 Rebuttal - Marnhull Parish Council
Related links
- Public inquiry
- Additional inquiry documents