Housing need is prioritised in the scheme and are called reasonable preference bands. There are 4 bands ranked in order of priority:

  • Band A – Exceptional Housing Need

  • Band B – High Housing Need

  • Band C – Medium Housing Need

  • Band D – Low Housing Need

How housing needs are ranked

The following list shows where different housing needs are ranked:

Band A - Exceptional Housing Need

  • exceptional housing need that takes priority over other applicants
  • Statutory Homeless and owed the full Housing Duty by Dorset Council s193 (2)
  • exceptional disrepair need
  • exceptional medical need
  • urgent welfare need
  • Statutory Overcrowding Part X Housing Act 1985

Band B - High Housing Need

  • owed a relief duty under s189B (2)
  • under occupying social housing 
  • overcrowded by 2 or more bedrooms
  • corporate parenting responsibility
  • proven social need/support delivery of another service
  • severe and/or persistent harassment
  • high disrepair need 
  • social tenant living in adapted property
  • high medical need
  • social tenant requiring extensive adaptations
  • corporate duty
  • supported housing and ready to move on
  • efficient management of housing stock 
  • owed a relief duty under s189B (2) with no local connection
  • high welfare need

Band C – Medium Housing Need

  • owed a Prevention Duty under s195 (2)
  • homeless households
  • medium medical need
  • medium disrepair need
  • accommodation duty following deliberate and unreasonable refusal to cooperate (S193c(4)) duty owed
  • social tenant with right to move for work 
  • split families
  • medium welfare need
  • owed a Prevention Duty under s195 (2) with no local connection
  • need to move for critical/essential support to avoid hardship
  • unsatisfactory or unsanitary conditions
  • overcrowded by 1 bedroom
  • affordability
  • service personnel

Band D – Low Housing Need

  • low housing need
  • low medical need
  • low disrepair need
  • older people’s housing
  • older peoples housing no local connection
  • supported housing or care leaver not ready to move on
  • low welfare need
  • applicants with other housing related debts