Tarrant Hinton Parish Council
Contact details
Clerk: Mr R Kent
Gunville Road
Tarrant Hinton
DT11 8JA
Phone number: 07949 194722
Email address: tarranthinton@dorset-aptc.gov.uk
Website: http://www.tarranthintonparishcouncil.co.uk/community/tarrant-hinton-parish-council-13694/about-us
Register of interests
- Councillor Christopher Hannam, Tarrant Hinton Parish Council - register of interests
- Councillor Laura Millen, Tarrant Hinton Parish Council - register of interests
- Councillor Michael Nathan, Tarrant Hinton Parish Council - register of interests
- Councillor Richard Kent, Tarrant Hinton Parish Council - register of interests
- Councillor Sally Reay, Tarrant Hinton Parish Council - register of interests