Make a Prevent referral about terrorism and radicalisation concerns
Prevent helps to keep communities safe from the threat of terrorism and violent extremism by stopping people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
We have a duty to support people at risk of being drawn into extreme views or beliefs, known as being radicalised. People who have been radicalised may go on to commit acts of terrorism.
Prevent programmes can offer counselling, mentoring, and education to people at risk, once we are made aware of them.
Signs of radicalisation
Radicalisation can happen to individuals of any age, religion, ethnicity, social class, or educational background. They may:
- be influenced or controlled by a group
- become obsessive or angry about changing society in some way
- spend large amounts of time online sharing extreme views
- be in personal crisis
- have a need for identity, meaning and belonging
- have mental health issues
- look to blame others
- be looking for more status or to dominate others
You can learn more about the signs of radicalisation on the ACT Early website.
Make a referral for someone you are concerned about
If there is an immediate threat to life always dial 999. Members of the public can call 101 to report any concerns.
Anyone can make a Prevent referral. If you are concerned that someone is becoming radicalised, it's important to share this information. To make a referral, call the National Police Prevent advice line on 0800 011 3764, or complete a copy of the Prevent National Referral Form sending it to
For updates on a report, or for general advice before making a referral, call 01202 222777 or email
If you find online content promoting terrorism or extremism you can report terrorism on the GOV.UK website.
Being referred to Prevent is not a punishment, but a means of providing support. Prevent referrals will not appear on the individual’s criminal record. All reports will be handled sensitively; your identity will not be shared with the individual without your permission.
Online training
This offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.
Further information
Dorset Police help and advice on Prevent. Reporting and preventing radicalisation, terrorist and extremist behaviour.
Home Office Prevent guidance page
Home Office guidance and help if you're worried about someone being radicalised.
Government information on statutory duties in relation to Prevent.
Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared value.