For emergency responders and agencies:
The Dorset Local Resilience Forum Emergency Contacts Directory can be found on Resilience Direct. The directory remains for the sole use of emergency responders and associated agencies within Dorset LRF and is password protected.
If you are an emergency responder who does not have access to Resilience Direct, or the appropriate password please contact The Dorset Civil Contingencies Unit:
The Emergency Contacts Directory is regularly reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis, however the Dorset Civil Contingencies reserves the right to make changes to this document at any other time. Please contact us to submit any changes.
For the general public:
Members of the public are advised of the following useful phone numbers for use during an emergency:
Where there is risk to life call 999
You can also contact Dorset Police.
Power and electrical
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks:
0800 0727282 (free phone land line) or 0345 072 1905 (free phone mobile contracts or local rate for pay as you go)
Western Power Distribution:
0800 365900 (free phone land line and mobiles)
Wessex Water:
03456004600 (free from most land lines or local charges apply dependant on the land line or mobile provider)
Transco - Gas Emergency:
0800 111999 (free phone, mobile phone charged as per the local provider rate)
Roads and highways
Highways England (including incidents A35, A37 and A31):
0300 1235000 (local call rate or 3p - 40p per minute from a mobile dependant on the provider)
Dorset Council customer services (including incidents on the Dorset Council highway):
01305 221000 (10p per minute from a land line or 3p - 40p per minute from a mobile dependant upon the provider)
Environment Agency - Flood Line:
0345 9881188 (calls are charged depending on the callers service provider and where their call is made).