How can we help you today?
Find childcare, and what funding is available.
Information on midwifery services, birth, health visiting, feeding your baby, and more.
See what support is available for babies, toddlers, school aged children, and young adults.
What to do if you are worried about a child. Help and information on domestic abuse.
Find a Family Hub
Family hubs are a single place to get support for children, young people and families. We are opening Family Hub sites across Dorset. Find activity timetables and where to find them, as well as Children's Centres.
Our Local Offer.
Advice, parenting support courses, and more.

Find out what activities, groups, play areas, and events are available near you.
Advice and support for your mental and physical health, and information on NHS services.
Advice on housing, managing your money, and benefits.
Children's social care at Dorset Council.
Advice and information for people who work with children.

Support for young people who work, study and live in Dorset.