Wheelchair accessible vehicles
Download a list of wheelchair accessible vehicles
We only list contact details where the operator or driver has given us consent to publish them.
Hackney carriages (taxis)
Hackney carriages (taxis) can work from various ranks in the town or area and can also be hailed in the street. They have a roof sign and a coloured plate on the back of their vehicles.
Each hackney carriage must be fitted with a taxi-meter, which is calibrated to show the fare to be charged. Fares are controlled by the council and it is against the law to charge more than is displayed on a meter. Every hackney carriage should display a fare chart so customers can see the maximum that can be charged for a journey.
Taxi fares
Our fare charts are available to download:
- download the Dorset Zone fare chart
- download the Weymouth and Portland Zone fare chart
Private hire vehicles
Private hire vehicles are only available by prior booking through a private hire office and are not allowed to be hailed in the street. These vehicles have a blue coloured plate on the back.
We do not control fares for private hire vehicles. The cost of a journey is agreed upon between the operator and the customer when the trip is booked.