As part of the on-going investigation, a number of quick win schemes to reduce the impact of flooding were identified. These could be implemented quickly by the RMA’s or landowners within a short timescale and at relatively low cost. These have already been completed as this report has been progressed and are summarised in below:

Quick win schemes for Dorchester

  • Wessex Water have CCTV surveyed the surface water sewer network around Evie Place and removed siltation blockage
  • residents on Olga Road have researched and, in some cases, purchased property protection such as air brick covers
  • DC Highways have reviewed and cleared their highway drainage infrastructure in affected areas and identified where further works are required
  • DC Highways have liaised with Manor Park School on increasing drainage infrastructure and ensuring regular maintenance
  • increased communications of online reporting tool FORT through DC social media, E-newsletters and internal comms
  • rain gauges will be checked regularly to ensure functioning to their full capacity. These will help record data of future events