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By 2050 steps will need to be taken to significantly reduce demand for water, reduce wastage and manage water resources in ways that eliminate emissions and protect them for the future.
Although this work will need to be led by the water industry, the Council will have a significant role to play in this work. Firstly, in reducing our own water demand. And secondly, in leading the county’s flood risk management, alleviation and mitigation work.
After detailed evidence and information gathering exercises, led by the EAP and carried out by officer working groups, it has been recommended that the Council implement the following 15 actions in relation to Water.
Milestones have been identified for each action. This plan shows the immediate targets we will need to achieve by 2023 to keep us on track.
Objective | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost |
Reduce water demand | Direct, indirect | Low | Improves ecology, builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing | High |
Actions | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost | 2021-23 target |
Make Dorset Council Buildings water efficient, by installing technologies such as flow regulators, water efficient toilets & shower heads |
Direct | Low | Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability | High |
Reduce / replace demand on mains water within Dorset Council buildings by installing technologies such as rainwater harvesting and grey water systems | Direct | Low | Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability | High | Future target beyond 2023 |
Provide information to residents and businesses on reducing water consumption, helping to improve understanding of the issues and solutions to better water management, reducing bills and carbon emissions | Direct | Low | Improves ecology, builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing | Medium |
Ensure procurement specification favours water efficient equipment | Direct | Low | Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability | None | Procurement specification updated by 2021 |
Ensure water use is minimised and reuse is optimised in new developments |
Direct | Medium | Improves ecology, builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability | None | Policy developed & communicated by 2023 |
Objective | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost |
Reduce wasted waster |
Direct, partnership/influence | Low | Improves ecology, builds resilience | Medium |
Actions | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost | 2021-23 target |
Carry out an in-depth assessment of water leaks across the Council’s estate | Direct | Low | Improves ecology | Low | Water leak tests carried out at 50 sites (25 sites a year) by 2023 |
Liaise with water companies to ensure water leaks are identified and eliminated in Dorset |
Partnership/influence | Medium | Improves ecology, builds resilience | Medium | Meetings held with water companies + plans assessed |
Objective | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost |
Increase Resilience to Climate Change |
Indirect, partnership/influence | Low | Improves ecology, builds resilience, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing | None |
Actions | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost | 2021-23 target |
Avoid developments in flood risk areas & areas subject to tidal surges and coastal erosion | Indirect | None | Improves ecology, builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing | None | Policy developed & communicated by 2023 |
Identify areas at risk from flooding & ensure adequate protection is in place | Indirect | None | Builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing | None |
Work with water companies to ensure:-
Partnership/influence | Low | Improves ecology, encourages economic sustainability, enhances health and wellbeing | None |
Raising awareness to Riparian owners to maintain water courses to prevent flooding | Partnership/influence | None | Improves ecology, builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing | None |
Objective | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost |
Protect water supplies | Direct, indirect, partnership/influence | None | Improves ecology, builds resilience, enhances health and wellbeing | None |
Actions | Action type | CO2 saving potential | Co-benefits | Cost | 2021-23 target |
Carry out audit of all Dorset Council sites holding materials hazardous to water quality to ensure correct storage is in place & ensure pollution prevention equipment is properly maintained. | Direct | None | Improves ecology, enhances health and wellbeing | None |
Work with Environment Agency to ensure all high risk industrial and farming areas in Dorset have been identified and appropriate pollution prevention measures are in place |
Partnership/influence | None | Improves ecology, enhances health and wellbeing | None |
Meeting held with EA Plans reviewed & |
Work with partners to promote land management practices that prevent polluting water courses and ensure good water management |
Partnership/influence | None | Improves ecology, builds resilience | None | Plan developed & initiated by 2022
Work with County Farms and Green Spaces to ensure land management practices protect water supplies |
Indirect | None | Improves ecology, builds resilience | None |