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Taking action to address the Climate and Ecological Emergency cannot be done solely by officers working from the centre. It will need a multi-disciplinary approach, drawing on skills and resources from across Dorset Council and with wider partners.  It will need to be part of the way we do things and embedded in the way we deliver our services and will require significant investment at all levels of society. 

After detailed evidence and information gathering exercises, led by the EAP and carried out by officer working groups, it has been recommended that the Council implement the following 28 actions.

Milestones have been identified for each action. This plan shows the immediate  targets we will need to achieve by 2023 to keep us on track.

Objective 1

Objective 1 - making it happen
 Objective Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits   Cost

Ensure leadership & governance are in place to facilitate delivery of Climate and Ecological Emergency strategy

Direct action

Indirect action

Partnership /influence action


Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

Actions for objective 1 - making it happen
Action  Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost  2021-2023 target

Actively input into national forums and consultations to encourage policy development to tackle climate & ecological emergency

Partnership /influence action High Improves ecology  None Dorset Council 

representation on key national groups
e.g. LGA forum
by 2021


Lobby government for additional resources and the national policy framework to support climate & ecological action in Dorset


Indirect action High

Improves ecology

Encourages economic sustainability

None Lobby paper presented to Government 

+ Member attendance at policy discussion group
 by June 2021


Review governance structures to ensure successful delivery of the Climate Strategy and ensure key decision-makers have a clear mandate for action.

Direct action High  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

None Governance structure reviewed and agreed 

by March 2021


Ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities in the delivery of actions, and that departments are linked at a strategic level (e.g. waste and planning).

Direct action High Improves ecology Medium Internal 

communications plan developed & initiated
by March 2021


Ensure enough human resource is in place to drive forward action either through Council departments or involvement of wider partners

Direct action High  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

None Costed plan finalised, & resources allocated 

by Cabinet Feb 2021


Investigate decarbonising Dorset Council pension scheme

Direct action Low  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

None Investigations carried out and reported to EAP  by March 2021

Objective 2

Objective 2 - making it happen
 Objective Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost
 Encourage behaviour change Indirect action Medium Improves ecology None
Actions for objective 2 - making it happen
Action  Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits Cost  2021-2023 target

Develop a consistent brand for Climate plan initiatives

Indirect action Medium Improves ecology None  

Branding agreed
by March 2021

Objective 3

Objective 3 - making it happen
 Objective Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits   Cost

Raising awareness to support action and behaviour change 

Direct action

Partnership /influence action


Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing 

Actions for objective 3 - making it happen
 Action Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost  2021-2023 target 

Improve the awareness, engagement and knowledge of our staff and service providers through staff awareness campaigns

Direct action Low  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing 

Medium Communications plan developed & initiated 

by March 2021


Organise targeted briefings and training sessions for officers, members and decision makers on the benefits and opportunities of tackling climate change - highlighting this contribution to other Council priorities.

Direct action Medium

Improves ecology

Enhances health and wellbeing

None Internal Communication plan developed by March 2021

Briefings completed
by 2022


Provide more accessible and digestible information on climate change and ecology and the actions we can take through a range of channels

Partnership /influence action  Medium  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing 

Medium Communications plan developed & initiated  and Web pages created & populated

by March 2021


Establish an internal climate change champions programme

Direct action Medium

Improves ecology

Enhances health and wellbeing

None Climate change 

champions appointed
by March 2021

Objective 4

Objective 4 - making it happen
 Objective Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits Cost
Ensure Climate and ecological concerns are embedded at the heart of decision and plan making Direct action Medium

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Actions for objective 4 - making it happen
 Action Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost 2021-2023 target

Ensure procurement processes and strategy embed climate and ecological concerns

Direct action Low Improves ecology None  

Procurement strategy & standard project documents to include climate and social value requirements

Tools developed
by March 2022


Ensure climate change, climate resilience and ecological enhancement are embedded in our key strategies and plans, such as the developing Dorset Local Plan and our asset management plans.

Direct action Medium  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability


Key policies identified and review programme developed by March 2021

All Key strategies reviewed & climate considerations included
by March 2022


Ensure we fully understand the risks of climate change on our business and that it is appropriately addressed within our risk man-agreement and business continuity processes.

Direct action  Low  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

None Corporate Climate Risk assessment 

by March 2023


Develop tools to undertake robust impact & policy appraisal to ensure climate change & ecological priorities and targets are considered in all key corporate projects, programmes and strategies

Direct action Medium  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

None Decision making tool finalised and agreed

by March 2021

Objective 5

Objective 5 - making it happen
 Objective Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits Cost 

Engagement with key stakeholders

Partnership /influence action Medium  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

Actions for objective 5 - making it happen
 Action Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost  2021-2023 target

Consult with residents and organisations on this strategy and plans as they develop

Partnership /influence action Medium

Improves ecology

Encourages economic sustainability

None Public consultation on strategy completed 

by Dec 2020


Build support from stakeholders and the wider public and develop partnership working on all aspects of climate change action

Partnership /influence action High Improves ecology None Communications Plan developed  & initiated 

by March 2021


Develop a Dorset Climate Emergency partnership group with other key public, private, and third sector partners to deliver a carbon neutral county

Partnership /influence action High Improves ecology None Options reviewed

Partnership established
by March 2021

Objective 6

Objective 6 - making it happen
 Objective Action type  CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits   Cost

Ensure robust Monitoring & Reporting of progress

Direct action

Indirect action

Partnership /influence action

 Low Improves ecology Low
Actions for objective 6 - making it happen
Action  Action type  CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits Cost  2021-2023 target 

Develop a robust baseline for Council and County carbon emissions and ecology

Partnership /influence action Medium Improves ecology None Dorset Council 

baseline emissions identified & agreed
by Dec 2020


Consider monitoring & reporting wider emissions from Council activities (Scope 3) such as procurement

Direct action Low Improves ecology Low Future targets 

beyond 2023


Further explore the Dorset County footprint, beyond the data provided by Central Government, to provide a wider understanding of Dorset’s emissions e.g. agriculture

Indirect action Low Improves ecology Low Review best practice 

& options
by Sept 2021


Monitor and report on actions and progress in achieving carbon reduction by producing an annual report of progress on climate change targets, budgets, and actions

Direct action  Medium Improves ecology None Monitoring & reporting framework in place and agreed 

by Cabinet Feb 2021


Include climate and social value criteria in the South West audit partnership audit requirements

Direct action None Improves ecology None Climate & social value criteria included in scope of SW audit 

marking criteria
by March 2021

Objective 7

Objective 7 - making it happen
 Objective Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost

Supporting Community Action

Partnership /influence action Medium

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

Actions for objective 7 - making it happen
 Action Action type  CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost 2021-2023 target

Support Town and Parish Councils to develop and implement their organisation and area wide climate action plans and engage with residents to encourage community action

Partnership /influence action Medium  

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing


Resources in place

Approach developed with Town & Parish  Councils by 2021


Help to facilitate and support new and existing community-led projects and community organisations active in this area

Partnership /influence action Medium

Improves ecology

Enhances health and wellbeing

Medium Additional staff 

resource in place

Plan developed
by March 2021

Objective 8

Objective 8 - making it happen
 Objective Action type CO2 saving potential Co-benefits  Cost

Ensure adequate levels of resources are in place to ensure successful delivery

Direct action

Indirect action

 High Improves ecology  None
Actions for objective 8 - making it happen
 Action Action plan CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost 2021-2023 target

Work with partners to maximise opportunities for external funding from government and others, making sure Dorset gets its fair share

Indirect action High Improves ecology None Ongoing from 2020

Develop a finance strategy to enable us to deliver this climate emergency response. This includes establishing invest-to-save schemes, asset rationalisation, and building projects into our capital programme.

Direct action High Improves ecology High Finance Strategy 

developed and agreed by Senior Leadership Team & Cabinet
by 2021


Explore options to raise additional funds through borrowing, council tax, developer contributions, and business rates.

Direct action High Improves ecology None Options explored and incorporated in 

finance strategy
by 2021