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To reduce the environmental impacts of food production, but still meet the rising demands, more food will need to be produced using less land and emitting fewer greenhouse gases. This will mean farming practices within Dorset will need to change. And there will need to be a significant shift in the behaviour of consumers here in Dorset.

Dorset Council must work towards reducing its own carbon emissions output, food poverty and the level of waste produced, all while meeting the increasing demand for food. To do so, we must facilitate change through direct, indirect and influential initiatives.

After detailed evidence and information gathering exercises, led by the EAP and carried out by officer working groups, it has been recommended that the Council implement the following nine actions in relation to food and drink.

Milestones have been identified for each action. This plan shows the immediate  targets we will need to achieve by 2023 to keep us on track.

Objective 1

Objective 1 - food and drink
 Objective Action type  CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits   Cost

Increase local, low-carbon food
production in Dorset

Direct action

Indirect action

Partnership /influence action


Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

Actions for objective 1 - food and drink
 Action Action type  CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost  2021-2023 target

Increase range of eligible fruits on Council owned open spaces through development of community orchards scheme

Direct action Low

Improves ecology

Enhances health and wellbeing

None 2 additional orchards developed 

by March 2023


Reduce use of fertilizers on council land by increased use of locally produced compost

Direct action Low

Improves ecology

Enhances health and wellbeing


Undertake audit and revise policy as
required by Dec 2021


Ensure well provisioned new allotments are provided wherever possible through the planning process and work with Towns and Parishes to enable community use

Partnership /influence action Low  

Improves ecology

Enhances health and wellbeing

None New allotment space opened in Dorset 

from 2021


Develop plan to transition County Farms to low carbon production - Work with County Farm tenants to encourage the adoption of more climate and ecological friendly practices

Indirect action Low

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

None Future action 

beyond 2023


Work with producers, local business's (restaurants and café's) and partners to promote 'local food' Green Kitchen Standard/ Food for Life and reduce food miles

Partnership /influence action Low

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

Low Future action 

beyond 2023

Objective 2

Objective 2 - food and drink
 Objective Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost 

Encourage more low carbon cooking and meals

Direct action

Partnership /influence action


Improves ecology

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

Actions for objective 2 - food and drink
 Action Action type CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost  2021-2023 target

Explore adoption for 'local food' Green Kitchen Standard/ Food for Life and reduce food miles within existing Dorset Council contracts

Direct action None  

Improves ecology

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing


Future action
beyond 2023


Promote the principles and benefits of low carbon healthy cooking e.g. Green Kitchen Standard/ Food for Life and EATS to residents of Dorset

Partnership /influence action Medium  

Improves ecology

Enhances health and wellbeing

Low Communications plan developed and content created by 2023

Objective 3

Objective 3 - food and drink
 Objective Action type   CO2 saving potential Co-benefits   Cost

Reduce the consumption of high carbon foods

Direct action None  

Improves ecology

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

Actions for objective 3 - food and drink
 Action Action type  CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost  2021-2023 target

Explore carbon reduction opportunities in the procurement of catering services and contracts (when subject to renewal)

Direct action None  

Improves ecology

Encourages economic sustainability

Enhances health and wellbeing

None Future action 

beyond 2023

Objective 4

 Objective Action type   CO2 saving potential Co-benefits   Cost
 Ensure Food & Drink supplies are resilient to climate change Partnership /influence action Low

Improves ecology

Builds resilience

Actions for objective 3 - food and drink
 Action Action type  CO2 saving potential  Co-benefits  Cost  2021-2023 target

Work with partners to help food and drink suppliers within Dorset to be resilient and adapt  to climate change


Partnership /influence action Low

Improves ecology

Builds resilience


Future action
beyond 2023