Weather disruption
Winter weather is causing disruption to services in some parts of the county. Find out what services may be affected in your area.
We have developed training material to support strengths-based practice in health and social care. You can access these free training videos using the links below.
Part 1: What does strengths-based working mean
Learning time: 30 minutes
Part 2: Understanding the individual
Learning time: 45 minutes
Part 3 video 1: Explore possibilities
Learning time: 33 minutes
Part 3 video 2: BBC Bristol Zak video
Learning time: 3 minutes
Part 4: Case studies - we shot these videos during the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore these case studies reflect social care practice at the time of filming.
Strengths-based approach to care case study A- this scenario is in a domiciliary setting. It compares strengths-based approach to the other approach in a same situation.
Learning time: 14 minutes
Strengths-based approach to care case study B- this scenario is in a residential care setting. It compares strengths-based approach to the other approach in a same situation.
Learning time: 8 minutes
You will need to complete the course evaluation to receive your certificate.
If you wish to run training sessions within your organisation, you can email to get facilitator resources and guidance.