Dorset Music Service offers financial help for pupils to progress in music education. We know that the cost can be a barrier to progression. We provide help for Looked After Children, Children in Care and pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals. You can apply to Dorset Music Service for financial help for the services we provide directly. The services included are:

  • instrument hire
  • county group membership fees
  • music mentoring

Instrumental lessons are organised by schools (and not through Dorset Music Service). As a result, we can work with schools to match-fund financial support for instrumental lessons for pupils eligible for Free School Meals, and for those who are a Looked After Child or Child in Care of Dorset Council. Parents and carers should contact their child's school about this match-funded offer.

Who can apply for help with music fees

Eligibility for the academic year 2024 to 2025

Your child is eligible for help with Dorset Music Service fees if they: 

  • are eligible for Free School Meals, or are a Looked After Child or Child in Care of Dorset Council
  • are registered with a Dorset school or academy (or live in Dorset but go to school in another county)

This support does not cover children who attend nursery or nursery school.

Financial support for pupils eligible for Free School Meals

Help with Fees covers up to 50% of the total cost of:

  • instrument hire (for one instrument only)
  • county group membership fees
  • music mentoring

Please note that you are responsible for the remaining fee.

Financial support for pupils who are a Looked After Child or Child in Care of Dorset Council

Help with Fees covers up to 100% of the total cost of:

  • instrument hire (for one instrument only)
  • county group membership fees

Up to 50% of the total cost of:

  • music mentoring

Please note that you are responsible for the remaining fee.

How to apply for help with Dorset Music Service fees

Follow these steps to apply for help:

  1. Contact us at Dorset Music Service if you would like more information before completing the application form.
  2. Complete an application form for financial help
  3. We complete an eligibility check.
  4. Wait for us to confirm financial support and what you will need to pay before you start the sessions or hire.

Apply for help with Dorset Music Service fees

You could get help with fees for Dorset Music Service group fees and instrument hire. Check if your child is eligible.

Academic year 2024 to 2025: help with music fees

We want to help as many people as possible but we can't guarantee that all applications will be successful. As we only have a modest level of funding available, we may need to add applications to a waiting list if we receive more than we can support.

We will not backdate financial help. 

When to apply for help

Send applications to us before the start of your chosen sessions or instrument hire.

When the financial support starts

Your support will start when you've received confirmation from us at Dorset Music Service.

We don't backdate financial help.

You must let us know if your circumstances change at any time.

When the financial support stops

We can withdraw the financial support if the student doesn't attend sessions or if you are no longer eligible.

Contact us if you need more information

Financial support information for parents and carers

If you apply for help and you're successful you'll receive up to 50% of the fee. The remaining balance will be your responsibility. 

We will check eligibility for free school meals when you apply and every year after that. 

Our strategic lead and the business manager for Dorset Music Service will assess all applications. Their decision is final. 

Financial support information for schools

Instrumental lessons are organised by schools (and not through Dorset Music Service). As a result, we can work with schools to match-fund financial support for instrumental lessons for pupils eligible for Free School Meals, and for those who are a Looked After Child or Child in Care of Dorset Council. 

GCSE and A level instrumental tuition and financial support

The Department of Education states that instrumental lessons for GCSE and A level courses is part of the school's responsibility and is not an extra-curricular parental choice. 

Parents should apply directly to the school for financial help for GCSE and A level tuition.