Aims of the policy or strategy
The strategy sets out the vision for SEND in Dorset. It identifies six priority areas for attention along with supporting actions and outcomes for the improvement of services to our SEND children and families.
Background to the proposal
Dorset has an existing SEND strategy (2018/2021) which expires at the end of this calendar year. This is a revised strategy which takes into consideration the progress made over the last 3 years and sets out new strategic priorities for Dorset.
Intelligence and communication
Data, information, evidence and research used and how it has influenced the decision-making process
This is the data, information and evidence used in the EqIA:
- review of progress against the original SEND strategy utilising established SEND performance datasets within the Council and national Department for Education measures on SEND outcomes
- review of other Local Authority SEND Strategies – as a check and balance measure
- finance data – historical spend in previous years and projected spend via the Medium Term Financial Plan
- Dorset Council’s SEND Performance Data
- school attainment data
- benchmarking against other similar Local Authorities
- local SEND Sufficiency Projections -Commissioning and Finance data
- Dorset SEND Parent Carer Survey 2021
- consultation and engagement with Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group
- consultation with stakeholders through Dorset Parents and Carer Council
This data told us that
The analysis of the data collected supported both the identification and agreement from the partnership (Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and Dorset Parent Carer Council) to the vision and the six strategic priorities for SEND in Dorset. These priorities are:
- early identification and support
- inclusion
- SEND pathway
- SEND sufficiency and provision
- transformation and preparation for adulthood
- managing money and resources
The SEND Strategy has been developed in order to improve outcomes for children and young people and achieve financial sustainability. The strategy proposes to achieve the shift in focus of support for children and young people with special educational needs and disability to an earlier intervention and support stage and reduce our reliance on high cost placements in the non-maintained and independent sector.
Engagement or consultation that has taken place as part of this EqIA
We have worked to coproduce this strategy with Dorset Parent Carer Council and Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group in updating and refreshing the SEND Strategy.
Feedback and communication
Dorset Parent Council has been involved in the process and has contributed towards the Strategy.
The SEND Strategy will be available through the Local Offer pages and feedback will be used to inform onward developments through co-production with all SEND children, young people, parents and carers. Any subsequent changes to Services arising from the delivery of this strategy will be subject to further EQIA processes.
Impacts of the policy or strategy
Impacts on who or what | Effect | Details |
Age |
Positive |
Maternity services through Early Years, Statutory school age to school leavers, community services & adult services. Early identification and support implemented across all ages giving early access to support and intervention. Improved transition for young people and support for them in preparing for adulthood. Increase in post – 16 and post – 19 pathways as pathways are improved. Increasing 6 employment focussed pathways through increasing our adult learning and employment provision. |
Disability: (including physical, mental, sensory and progressive conditions |
Positive |
Commissioning & delivery of high quality & value for money specialist services that support disability requirements delivered locally where possible. Early identification and support removes lengthy statutory assessment process before the delivery of more timely and appropriate services. Establishing a commitment to Inclusion and support for our SEND children and young people reduces exclusions from settings. The Graduated Approach requires partners and educational settings to deliver more services and outcomes in pre-statutory phase. Provision closer to home and market management means that improved local school provision will reduce travel distances and time for children and young people. |
Group affected |
n/a |
Commission & provide a range of universal & specialist services for a range of disabilities |
Gender reassignment and gender Identity |
Positive |
Our person centred approach means that SEND services will support individual plans. |
Pregnancy and maternity: Race and ethnicity Religion or belief Sex (consider both men and women) Marriage or civil partnership Rural isolation Single parent families Armed Forces communities
Neutral |
It is not expected that this characteristic will be positively or negatively affected by this strategy. |
Sexual orientation Carers |
Positive |
Commissioning & delivery of high quality & value for money specialist services that support requirements delivered locally |
Social and economic deprivation |
Positive |
Specialist support for Care Leavers & vulnerable young people transitioning into adulthood will be improved through an increased focus on employment, education and training |
Key to effects or impacts
Positive - the proposal eliminates discrimination, advances equality of opportunity and/or fosters good relations with protected groups.
Negative - protected characteristic group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against.
Neutral - no change/ no assessed significant impact of protected characteristic groups.
Negative - protected characteristic group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against.
Action plan
Issue | Action to be taken | Person(s) responsible | Date to be completed by |
1 | Following sign off to discuss the SEND Strategy to the Best Education for All Sub Group and agree the partnership performance data set needed to measure progress against the strategy |
Vik Verma |
December 2021 |
People who have agreed the EQIA
Name Vik Verma
Date 12 October 2021
Equality Lead Becky Forrester
Date 21 October 2021