1. Introduction
We recognise that there may be an occasion when people are unhappy with the way they feel they have been treated or responded to and where any actions taken by the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) are or appear to be unsatisfactory.
We hope this Complaints Policy sets out clearly how we will respond to any concern or complaint and we hope it is clear in explaining whether a complaint is a matter for the Safeguarding Adults Board or a matter for one of our partner agencies.
If you have any concerns or queries about a complaint it is important that you tell us about it so we can explain every step we will take to investigate the matter.
Our aim is to always keep you informed about every stage in the Complaints process.
This Complaints Policy refers only to complaints which are specifically about the Dorset and BCP Safeguarding Adults Boards or process which is connected with the Boards, e.g., the process for agreeing Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) or for publications or campaigns led by Boards.