Register to vote
Your name must be on the electoral register if you want to vote in elections.
You can register to vote online - you will need to give your National Insurance number and date of birth.
To check if you're already registered, contact Electoral Services on 01305 838299 or email
Who can register to vote
To register to vote in England, you must be aged 16 or over (in England, you can vote when you're 18 or over) and also be one of the following:
- a British citizen
- an Irish citizen living in the UK
- a Commonwealth citizen who has permission to enter or stay in the UK, or who does not need permission
- 'qualifying EU citizens' and 'EU citizens with retained rights'
Check which elections you’re eligible to vote in.
View further information on registration for the following:
- Overseas voters
- Service voters
- People with no fixed address
- Students
- Crown Servants
- People needing to register anonymously (please note: application forms should be returned to Electoral Services in an envelope marked "Confidential")
How to register
The easiest way to register is online at
Alternatively, please contact Electoral Services and we can send you a paper form to complete and return.
Please note:
- you are responsible for registering to vote (paying council tax does not mean that you are automatically registered to vote)
- you will need to give your date of birth and national insurance number when you register
- we might need to email or write to you asking for more information so that your registration can be completed. If you're worried an email may be a scam, you can contact Electoral Services to check
- once you are registered, you don't need to register again unless you change your address (please note: if you are registering as an overseas voter, service voter, anonymous voter or crown servant voter, or as a person of no fixed address, there are separate rules on renewing registration)
Created with input from people with learning disabilities, the My Vote My Choice website has easy to understand information on politics, including elections and voting.