• the person must be employed for the purpose of learning a trade, vocation or profession
  • the training given must be under a programme leading to NVQ (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) or Scot VEC
  • the salary paid must be no more than £195 per week
  • Employed at a salary or in receipt of an allowance or both, which are, in total no more than £195 per week

Evidence of being an apprentice would normally come from the employer and, if necessary, from the educational establishment providing the training. The employer should confirm details of earnings.

To apply for or cancel a discount or exemption please contact us.

You will need to provide:

  • your council tax reference
  • your full names
  • your address
  • the discount you wish to apply for, for example single person discount
  • the date you wish to claim the discount from or the date the change in your circumstance is taking place
  • a contact telephone number