Overview and eligibility

Some people are not counted towards the number of adults living in a household. This is called 'disregarded'. Your bill is worked out as if they were not living there.

If you are a student studying at a college or university, you may be eligible to get a discount or exemption on your Council Tax.

A student needs to meet the following criteria to be eligible: 

  • studying at a university or college for at least one academic or calendar year
    • this must be a 'prescribed place of education'.  This includes established universities and most colleges
  • attends their course for at least 24 weeks each year and for at least 21 hours per week (this includes attendance, tuition, study or work experience)
  • attends the course from the first day of the course to the last day of the course, (holidays are not included in this)


If a student does not attend their course due to illness they are still considered eligible. This is unless the student is removed from the course or they are deemed to have abandoned the course.

Work experience 

If a course includes work experience, it is a requirement that the period of work experience does not exceed 50% of the total course time. Except for student teachers, they are exempt from these rules.

Open university courses

Open University courses, subject to meeting the criteria, would be considered as full time courses. Likewise Project 2000 nurses are regarded to be a student for the purposes of these provisions.

How to apply

You will need the following information to complete this application:

  • your Council Tax reference number (this can be found at the top of your bill)
  • the date the student started their course
  • the date their course is expected to finish
  • a copy of their student exemption certificate/letter - the college/university can provide this

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