#LetsTalkLibraries consultation

Over 7,500 responses were received in the first phase of public consultation, which ended earlier this year. We have listened to your views and have developed a new draft Dorset Council Library Strategy, with the mission: To Inspire, Connect and Enable our communities through our services. 

In this second phase of public consultation, we are calling upon residents, businesses, employees, partners and stakeholders to help us prioritise and explore what delivery could look like in our communities.

We now need to refine the strategy. We need your help to prioritise and explore what the library service could look like in your community.

The survey is designed in two parts. Part one seeks your views on the draft strategy and part two explores what the library service could look like in your community. We would value your views on the whole survey, but please feel free to skip questions and answer only those which interest you. We estimate it takes 20 minutes to complete the whole survey.

The consultation will close on 22 December 2022. 

It’s really important that we hear from everyone, so make sure you have your say and thank you for your time. If you need any help in completing the survey please call 01305 221000. You can also request alternative survey formats by emailing letstalklibraries@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

This survey closed on Dec 22, 22. Thank you for your views.


Name: Dorset Council Customer Services
Email: letstalklibraries@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Phone: 01305 221000

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