Share your views on childcare in Dorset

We're asking parents and carers, including family members and foster carers to help us understand the needs when it comes to childcare provision for children from 0 to 14 years old. This includes care for a young person up to age 18 with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Many of you shared your views in 2020 and we published your comments on our webpage. We shared your comments with the early years settings and we're including all your feedback in our digital transformation work.

Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Early Help, said: 

“Following last year’s survey, we have continued to work with the fantastic nurseries and childminders in Dorset, but some parents are still struggling to find a place that suits them. We want to improve services and make sure they are flexible, sustainable and cover what’s needed. 

“We want to understand what parents need and if COVID-19 has continued to impact on their circumstances and choices. The views and experiences from the people using local childcare services, or struggling to find a place, are essential. 

“I urge anyone that has children likely to need childcare to take part in the survey so that we can build an accurate a picture as possible of what is likely to be needed and where. This will help us to shape appropriate childcare provision for families with young children in Dorset.” 

What would you like to see more of?

Are suitable childcare options for all children accessible to you and your family?

This is your opportunity to tell us about your needs, and experiences. 

Have your say by filling out a short childcare survey. There's also the chance to win one of two £25 Amazon Vouchers (terms and conditions apply). 

The childcare survey closes at midnight on 19 November 2021.

This survey closed on Nov 19, 21. Thank you for your views.


Name: Liz Curtis-Jones

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