The consultation will be a conversation with communities, employees and partners, to better understand what they value and need from the service, now and in the future.
Libraries are at the heart of Dorset’s communities and provide highly valued services, including:
- book lending
- activities and events
- reading groups
- skills and learning
- health and wellbeing
- information provision
- digital access and support
- art and cultural exhibitions
People of all ages can enjoy all of this and more, within a safe and welcoming environment. There are 23 council-run and eight community-managed libraries in the Dorset Council area.
The current Library Strategy is 11 years old. Over those 11 years, there have been significant changes in public behaviour and digital technology, and the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic have been felt.
This consultation seeks to look to the future of Dorset’s libraries and how can they best meet the needs of local residents and communities, now and over the next ten years.
This survey closed on Jan 7, 22. Thank you for your views.
You can download the:
Employees, partners and businesses survey report
Employees, partners and businesses survey appendix
Off The Books - Ethnographic research into non-users of libraries for Dorset Council
Research to inform new Dorset library strategy
If you would like the documents in an alternative format, contact mark.simons@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.