Client Statement

A client statement to be provided alongside every Building Regulation application, if the Client did not complete and submit the application form.

Appointment of Duty Holder

Appointment of Duty Holder to be completed to confirm the appointment of duty holder positions, if not already supplied on the application form. For more information view Roles and Responsibilities of Duty Holders.

Change Of Duty Holder

Change of Duty Holder to be completed when there has been a change of duty holder. We will be unable to issue a completion certificate at the end of the project if we fail to have a complete audit trail of all duty holders appointed throughout the project.

Commencement Statement

Commencement Statement to be completed and submitted once the project has reached its formal commencement stage.

Works are deemed commenced when:

For complex buildings

Foundations are constructed, and the structure of the lowest floor level is complete. 

For new buildings and horizontal extensions

Sub surface structure of the building or the extension including all foundations and the structure of the ground floor level is completed. 

For all other works

Constructed 15% of the overall work.

Completion Statement

Completion Statement must be completed and signed by all duty holders and submitted to us within 5 days of works completing on site.

Fire Safety Order

For buildings subject to the Fire Safety Order, the Client must submit the same notice, but within 5 days of occupation, and it must also state the following:

  • the date when the building (or any part of it) is occupied; and
  • a signed statement confirming that to the best of their knowledge, Regulation 38 and Part B of Schedule 1 are currently complied with for the parts of the building are to be occupied.

We will not be able to issue a completion certificate until this notice is received and it is signed by all parties.

Check out LABC Front Door for Practical advice on home improvements and building regulations.

Contact Building Control

See our contact details