The production of food is the fourth highest greenhouse gas emitting sector in the world. Choosing and using food carefully can save you money, improve your health, reduce your carbon footprint and even strengthen the local economy!

Quick fixes

Buy local

There are lots of benefits to buying food that has been locally produced, it not only helps our local economy, but also reduces food miles. ‘Food miles’ refers to the distance food travels to reach your local supermarket or shop. In most cases, the more miles travelled, the more fossil fuels burned.

Find local farmers markets and local food suppliers near you to help save on food miles.

Eat seasonal

Eating fruits and vegetables that are in season in the UK where possible can have positive impacts on the environment. To grow foods outside of their natural seasons can often require large amounts of water and energy. Transporting food from other countries can clock up lots of food miles.

Sticking to seasonal growing patterns can help create more sustainable eating habits.

Find useful tips on how to eat seasonally.

Eat less meat

According to a major report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), eating less meat can help fight climate change.

Find out how your diet might contribute to climate change and how to change it.

Reduce waste

Throwing away edible food can contribute to climate change. It not only wastes the food, but also the valuable resources that have gone into creating it.

Check out our handy tips on how to reduce your food waste here.