My chosen route

ICT Support Officer at Dorset Council.

Qualified engineer at FGP Systems.

Completing an advanced apprenticeship.

Music producer at MassiveMusic.

Early Years Teacher at Orchard Day Nurseries.

Studying for a BSc in Nursing (Adult).

Professional musician AKA 'Lovely Laura'.

Studying for a BSc in Archaeology, Anthropology and Forensic Sciences.

Freelance photographer.

Studying for a Masters in Criminology.

Studying for BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Applied Sciences.

Studying for a BSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Studying for a BA in Costume.
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- talk to your school tutor about the different career options or visit our Where next? section
- find more career information on Careerpilot
- find information and support about options at 16 in Dorset from Flying Start