Dorset Young Carers Service

A Young Carer is a young person aged between 5 and 18 who provides significant, regular or ongoing care, or emotional support to a family member who is mentally ill, physically ill or disabled.

Many young people do not recognise themselves as a carer. But, looking after someone who is physically or mentally unwell, can become demanding and can make it difficult to look after yourself.

If you are a professional working with a child or young or who may be a young carer, or you think you might be a young carer, or are the parent of someone who might be, then you should contact the Early Help Hub on their telephone number. They will take some details from you and advise on what help is available.

Am I, or is my child, eligible for help?

Anyone who identifies as a young carer can register as a carer. This means they can access support from Carer Support Dorset and MYTIME (see information below). If you think a young person is carrying out a ‘significant caring role’ then we will assess to see what additional support, we can offer. Some examples of a ‘significant caring role’ may include:

  • carrying out intimate personal care such as bathing and toileting
  • strenuous physical tasks such as lifting
  • administering medication
  • managing the family budget, planning the family shop, or organising family meals
  • providing emotional support to an adult beyond the reasonable expectations of someone their age

However, this list does not cover everything, and the assessment would seek to understand the caring role that they carry out and the impact it has on them, to identify their individual needs.

For example, we know that young people who care often worry about their responsibilities and the person that they care for. Some may miss health appointments or struggle to be in school on time, and others will find it difficult or to get homework done. Where the Young Carers Service cannot meet your needs, we will help you find a service that can.

The support we provide

Everyone is different and the help we provide reflects this. However, where a young person carries out a significant caring role, then at the very least we would try to:

  • provide a break from your caring role, such as organised activities during school holidays
  • signposting to any extra support that the young carer, or the cared-for person needs
  • acting as an advocate in school if necessary
  • offering one to one support where appropriate

We also offer advice to schools, agencies and others who work with young people. This includes addressing young carers' issues and making services more accessible to them.

Even if a young person does not carry out a significant caring role, they can still register as a carer and access support from the following organisations.

Carer Support Dorset

Dorset Council has commissioned Carer Support Dorset to:

  • register young carers so that they are not overlooked
  • offer additional support and signposting to relevant services
  • support young carers to co-produce services with Dorset Council and other agencies
  • support young carers to make a transition into adulthood where the young person will continue to be a carer into adulthood


A Dorset based charity which supports registered and unregistered young carers, MYTIME can offer:

  • opportunities to take part in positive activities and a break from caring during school holidays with other young carers
  • access to weekly virtual youth groups
  • Employability Programme providing support with access to further education and work