School sixth form and college

If you are unable to get post 16 transport you might be able to get a place on the Surplus Seat Travel Scheme. This is where students can apply for spare seats on existing school or

college transport. Spaces are not guaranteed and you will have to pay if you get a seat.

You could contact your school or college to find out: 

  • if you can get a 16 to 19 bursary
  • what other transport routes they have available

Apprenticeships and traineeships

Your learning provider will be able to inform you of any transport support that is available. If there is no transport support, you will need to look at other options.

Employers and learning providers should consider transport for training:

  • away from the work place
  • outside normal working hours

Other travel options

There are several other travel options available. These include:

  • public transport
  • taxis or mini buses
  • car sharing

See transport information for young people to see your other options.

Special educational needs (SEN) Travel Team

Tel: 01305 225023
Full contact details