Please note - we have no more bookings available this academic year, please contact either your child's school or our Children's Advice and Duty Service on 01305 228866

We offer parents and carers of children age 3 to 18 years (25 if the young person has SEND) the opportunity to speak with a Dorset educational psychologist (EP). For younger children talk to your Health Visitor or early years provider first. 

This is for people that:

  • live in the Dorset Council area - this helpline is not open to parents of children living within the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council area
  • have a query or concern about learning or behaviour
  • have worries about wellbeing and emotions

We offer 30 minute consultations with an EP.  Consultations are available weekly. All calls are confidential unless there’s a risk of harm to you, your child or someone else. 
You can book a telephone consultation online.
Start now
If you cannot book online, call 01305 224995. A member of the business support team will make an appointment for you.

What you can expect from the consultation

Things you need to know before you speak to an EP:

  • each bookable slot is for 30 minutes
  • all parties will respect confidentiality

Most calls will include:

  • the aim of the consultation such as what you want out of the session
  • the EP will ask a range of questions to get more detail about the concern
  • support you to find solutions to your concern
  • a summary of the session including any actions

Educational psychologists work with children and young people

Parents and carers

You should talk to your child’s class teacher or tutor in the first instance.  Or talk to the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) at your child's school. If your child's needs are complex, the SENCO can talk to you about the possibility of involving an EP. Educational Psychologists work with the SENCO in schools following the graduated approach.

Schools to provide support:

  • at a universal (available to all) level
  • at a targeted level (available for some for a limited time) before involving an EP

Talk to the school's SENCO if:

  • your child has complex needs
  • may need intervention and support from an educational psychologist

If your child is in an early years setting, the setting SENCO will work with the early years advisor. They will talk to the locality senior educational psychologist.

If your child's needs are complex, the SENCO can talk to you about the possibility of involving an EP. 

Independent schools, local authority schools or academies from another area and other organisations

Contact one of our senior educational psychologists, or our main line for an appointment:

Contact the Dorset Educational Psychology Service

Name: Miriam Leigh
Tel: 01305 228320
Full contact details

Senior educational psychologist for Chesil

Name: Rachel Meyrick
Tel: 01305 228305
Full contact details

Senior educational psychologist for Dorchester

Name: Esther Gardner
Tel: 01305 224354
Full contact details

Senior educational psychologist for North Dorset

Name: Clare Anderson
Tel: 01305 228321
Full contact details

Senior educational psychologist for Purbeck

Name: Anna Ridley
Tel: 01929 557000
Full contact details

Senior educational psychologist for West Dorset

Name: Petrina Tipping
Tel: 01305 228313
Full contact details

Senior Educational Psychologist for East Dorset

Name: Alison Pinks
Tel: 01202 868224
Full contact details