The review must:

  • look at the progress made towards achieving the outcomes in the EHC plan
  • consider if the outcomes are still appropriate and agree new ones if needed
  • be in partnership with you and your child. The review must consider your views, wishes and feelings, including your right to request a Personal Budget
  • focus on preparing for adulthood from year 9 at the latest. This includes:
    • employment
    • independent living
    • participation in society
    • good health

This can include planning for young people to move to adult care and health services, where relevant.

The review should:

  • gather and assess information
  • review the special educational support
  • review the health and social care support
  • consider whether the EHC plan needs updating. The changes could be made to:
    • outcomes
    • support
    • the educational setting
    • whether the EHC plan should be stopped
  • review the short-term outcomes (sometimes called targets)
  • set new short-term outcomes for the coming year

See the parents' guide to the SEND Code of Practice for information about legal responsibilities during the review process. Read the full 
SEND Code of Practice January 2015.

Contact SENDIASS for impartial advice and support.