Timetable for the review of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Step 1: at least 4 weeks before the review meeting

The school or educational setting will:

  • contact relevant professionals to gather any new information and advice
  • write to you, inviting you to share your views
  • support your child to share their views

This is your opportunity as a parent to prepare for the review meeting. Think about what you want for your child's future. 

Make sure you return all information to the school or educational setting within 2 weeks.

Step 2: at least 2 weeks before the review meeting

The school or educational setting will send out invitations to attend the review meeting. They will also send copies of any advice or information they've received.

Step 3: the review meeting takes place

The meeting must focus on progress, outcomes and the EHCP. It shouldn't just focus on how things have gone in the past year or months. 

Step 4: within 2 weeks of the review meeting

The school or educational setting must send the completed review paperwork to everyone who was invited to the meeting. The paperwork must include any requests for changes to the EHCP.

Step 5: within 4 weeks of the review meeting

We, as the local authority, decide whether the EHCP:

  • should remain unchanged
  • needs to be amended
  • should be ceased (come to an end)

We must inform the parent, the young person and the setting of our decision.

Find out about the legal framework for a review of an EHCP