Groups commence on 13 January.  They are provided free of charge, though donations are welcome to help us provide additional resources. They will run during term time only. Follow us on Facebook for more information, news, events and support.
Activities in Blandford Children's Centre
Day Time Activity
Tuesday 10am to 11.30am

Learning Together for 0 to 5's

A play-based group focusing on social interaction and school readiness, including language and speech development. Booking essential.

Wednesday 10am to 11.30am

Buggy Walk

Walk and talk in our beautiful countryside with other parents. Homestart support worker available. Meet at Station Court car park DT11 7QN. Drop in.

Wednesday 10am to 11:30am Baby Massage - coming soon! For under 1's who are non movers
If you’re struggling to bond with your baby, had a difficult birth or have post natal depression, Baby Massage can help to strengthen the bond.  Email with your telephone number and we will be in touch. Booking essential.

Session 1: 9:15am to 10am

Session 2: 10:15am to 11am

Session 3: 11:15am to midday

Sensory Tent hire for 0 to 8's who have Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

A relaxing but stimulating environment where your child can explore bubble tubes, lights, mirrors and sounds. 4 adults/child per session. Booking essential. From 26 February, times will change to 12:30pm, 1:30pm or 2:30pm

Thursday 10am to 11:30am

Baby and Me

A baby’s first year is full of adventures and challenges. Meet other parents and babies and over 6 weeks, learn practical ideas to support you and your baby to feel confident. Booking essential. 

Contact us

Some dates may change at short notice so please check before attending. Most groups are drop ins.  Where places need to be booked in advance please email us.

Foodbanks in the North Dorset area

Find foodbanks on our Family Information Directory in:

You can find an up to date list of foodbanks on the Help and Kindness website


If you're worried about the immediate safety of a child or young person contact us:

Family Support and Advice Line

Name: Single point of contact for safeguarding concerns
Tel: 01305 228558
Full contact details