Foster with us
Register your interest in becoming a foster carer
We're interested in hearing from people from all walks of life, so don't rule yourself out.
You can foster
We welcome carers of any background and circumstance. You can foster:
- if you're over 21, although there's no upper age limit and we review each person in terms of health, lifestyle and support networks
- if you have a spare bedroom
- if you have your own children, or have never had children
- if you're single, married or have a partner
- if you're claiming benefits or in work
- regardless of your cultural background or sexual orientation
- if you live in rented housing or own your own home
- beyond retirement, as long as you can keep up with children
We would like to hear from you.
You can still foster if you:
- have English as your second language
- are a smoker:
- smoking doesn't prevent you from fostering, but you can't foster children under 6 years old
- living in a household with smoke is an increased health risk and we wouldn't want foster carers to smoke in their home, or in front of children
- we would encourage you to give up and we can help with advice to do that
Next steps to becoming a foster carer
Find out what happens next in your journey to becoming a foster carer in Dorset.
Already a registered foster carer?
If you're already a registered foster carer for another local authority or independent fostering agency and you're thinking of transferring to Dorset Council, we'd be delighted to hear from you.
The transition is straightforward and we can fast-track you through it; you'll soon be fostering local children.
Contact us on 01305 225568 and tell us you're already approved to foster.