Census 2021 - households

Last updated 29 January 2025


The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have released the first data sets from Census 2021.

The latest Census shows that there are 169,261 households in Dorset.

A ‘household’ is defined as either one person living alone, or a group of people living at the same address and sharing both cooking facilities and a living room or dining area.

All data that refers to Dorset relates to the Dorset Council area.

This is a 7% increase from the 2011 Census where the total number of households were 158,738.

This is in line with national increases.




Total household

Table 1 – Total household
Area  Census 2011 Census 2021 % change 
Dorset Council  158,738 169,261 +7.0%
South West  2',264,641 2,448,881 +8.0%
England and Wales 23,366,044 24,783,199 +6.0%

31.0% 51,741 (almost one in three) of Dorset’s households are single person households. 41.0% of households in Dorset are two person households.

Three and four person households make up 25.0% or a quarter of all households.

Only 8.0% of Dorset households have more than four people living in them

Household size

The data from the Census in 2021 illustrates a higher proportion of two person households in Dorset 41% compared to the national figure of 34% and slightly higher than the South West 37% but otherwise the breakdown in household size is similar.

Table 2 – Household size
Household size  Dorset % South West % England and Wales %
1 person  31.0 30.0 30.0
2 people  41.0 37.0 34.0
3 people  14.0 15.0 16.0
4 people  11.0 12.0 13.0
5 people  3.0 4.0 4.0
6 people 1.0 1.0 2.0
7 people  0 0 1.0
8 or more people  0 0 0

Household composition

Just under one in five (18.0%) of Dorset’s households are lone households where the resident is over 66, this compares to 13.0% for England and Wales and 15.0% for the South West.

65.0% of all households (almost two thirds) contain single families which could constitute a couple living together, a lone parent, a couple with dependent or non-dependent children, this figure is very similar to the South West and England and Wales.

There are 5.0% of multiple family households in Dorset compared to 6.0% regionally and 7.0% in England and Wales.

Table 3 – Household composition
Household composition  Dorset %  South West % England and Wales %
Single person  31.0 30.0 30.0
Single older person  18.0 15.0 13.0
Single family  65.0 64.0 63.0
Multiple family  5.0 6.0 7.0


Household deprivation

The ONS have used a range of other data collected from the Census in 2021 to determine whether a household may include characteristics that could indicate a level of deprivation.

The dimensions of deprivation used to classify households are indicators based on four selected household characteristics:

  • education - A household is classified as deprived in the education dimension if no one has at least level 2 education and no one aged 16 to 18 years is a full-time student
  • employment - A household is classified as deprived in the employment dimension if any member, not a full-time student, is either unemployed or disabled
  • health - A household is classified as deprived in the health dimension if any member is disabled
  • housing - A household is classified as deprived in the housing dimension if the household's accommodation is either overcrowded, in a shared dwelling, or has no central heating

Half of Dorset’s households are not deprived in any of the dimensions of deprivation which is reflected in the regional figure for the South West too.

Just under a half of all households in England and Wales 48.0% are not deprived in any of the indicators.

35.0% of Dorset’s households are deprived in one of the indicators slightly more than the regional and national figures.

12.0% are deprived in two dimensions and 2.0% in three dimensions which is slightly less than the regional figure and less than the national figure.

0% of households are deprived in all four of the dimensions in Dorset, the South West and England and Wales.

Household deprivation
Household deprivation indicator   Dorset %  South West % England and Wales %
Household is not deprived in any dimension  50.0 50.0 48.0
Household is deprived in 1 dimension  35.0 34.0 33.0
Household is deprived in 2 dimensions  12.0 13.0 14.0
Household is deprived in 3 dimensions  2.0 3.0 4.0
Household is deprived in 4 dimensions  0 0 0