Celebrating and uniting unpaid carers across Dorset 

Unpaid care can be providing emotional support, carrying out everyday household tasks like shopping and cooking, or taking someone to medical appointments. 

Our festival of free events took place in November 2021 and was made up of 2 main live events at Dorchester Museum and Kinson Community Centre, 3 face-to-face events and 28 digital sessions. It celebrated Carers Rights Day by bringing together unpaid carers and organisations across Dorset. Caring for your future was the focus of these events.

Catch up with Carers Dorset Festival online

There were presentations from more than 20 organisations across Dorset including keynote speaker, Dame Philippa Russell, Vice President of Carers UK along with Radio 2's Johnnie Walker and wife Tiggy, co-patrons of Carers UK.

If you would like access to our SharePoint page of resources, photographs and recordings from the day, please email dorset.carers@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk to request access.

We want to help you as a carer by:

  • making you aware of your rights
  • making sure you know where to get help and support
  • raising awareness of your needs

So watch it all on our playlist:

Thank you to all the organisations that took part and to our main sponsors Dorset Museum, Carer Support Dorset, MYTIME and The Leonardo Trust.