The Safeguarding Adults Board has a number of subgroups, each chaired by a member of the board. These have been established to deliver on the board's work plan.

Community Engagement Group

The overarching purpose of the Board's Community Engagement Group is to ensure adults with care and support needs, their carers and the local community have their voice heard and contribute to the development of safeguarding adults practice.

The group is chaired by representatives from the voluntary sector to provide independence and to ensure group members' views are reflected in the work the Safeguarding Adults Board undertake to improve outcomes for people who use safeguarding services.

Community Engagement Group Terms of Reference

Quality Assurance Group

This subgroup enables the board to oversee the performance and quality of its safeguarding activity across all areas of responsibility.

It has been set up to develop a framework which ensures there are effective and accountable safeguarding adults quality performance indicators and monitoring systems in place. It produces regular reports to the board which ensures that a consistent approach and good quality of safeguarding provision is maintained across all partner organisations. It will also enable the board to consider trends in safeguarding activity and how to respond.

Quality Assurance Sub-Group Terms of Reference

Safeguarding Adult Review Group

In addition to the safeguarding working groups, there is also a Safeguarding Adult Review subgroup which works across Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. A Safeguarding Adult Review is a process for all partner agencies to identify the lessons that can be learned from complex or serious Safeguarding Adults cases. The subgroup recommends changes to improve practice in the light of these lessons learnt.

The aim of the process is to learn lessons and make improvements. The process is based on national guidelines and has been agreed by all agencies who are members of Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board.

Find out more about safeguarding adult reviews

Pan-Dorset Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Subgroup

This group was created in response to ongoing strategic discussions about the Mental Capacity Act (MCA), Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and the proposed Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) introduced by the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019.

The group provides assurance to the boards, that health and social care providers across Dorset apply the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA), including the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).

Pan-Dorset Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Subgroup Terms of Reference