If you have a concern an adult is being abused or neglected, call 01305 221016.
Contact the Police on 999 if you think someone is in immediate risk of harm.
Contact the Police on 999 if you think someone is in immediate risk of harm.
Find out when something is abuse
Abuse is when someone does something to somebody which damages their quality of life or puts them at risk of harm. It may be deliberate or unintentional.
Abuse takes many forms. It includes:
- any form of harm such as:
- hitting, injuring or restraining
- threatening, intimidating or humiliating
- sexual attention or activity that is not wanted
- keeping someone on their own
- any form of neglect such as:
- not giving the correct medicine
- not providing food or clothing
- not arranging the right care
- financial abuse such as:
- stealing or misusing money or property
- pressure about wills or inheritance
- discrimination such as treating someone less favourably because of race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation
- domestic violence and abuse
Learn about the process for safeguarding adults in Dorset
The Multi-agency safeguarding adults policy and Multi-agency safeguarding adults procedures sets out the locally adopted procedures used by Dorset Council, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council and all the member agencies.
Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board