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This page outlines the enforcement and complaints policy of the Dorset Council Trading Standards. This is agreed as a continuing policy from Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service and sits below the over-arching Dorset Council Enforcement Policy.
It provides information on:
We are committed to the principles of good enforcement, as set out in the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 and the statutory Regulators’ Code.
'Enforcement' includes any action taken by officers aimed at ensuring that businesses or individuals comply with the law – these actions may range from offering advice, information and issuing public warnings, to cautioning and instituting legal proceedings/prosecutions.
Enforcement decisions will be fair, impartial, independent and objective and will not be influenced by issues such as ethnicity or national origin, gender, religious beliefs, political views or the sexual orientation of the suspect, victim, witness or offender. Decisions will not be influenced by improper or undue pressure from any source.
Trading Standards aims ‘To provide a fair and safe environment for the consumers and businesses of Dorset, through education, advice, enforcement and by working together with our partners’. We enforce a wide range of business and consumer protection legislation relating to quality, quantity, safety, description and price of goods and services.
We carry out our duties in various ways including: inspection, sampling, test purchasing, testing, investigation and prosecution, but also by informing, advising and educating businesses and consumers.
The purpose of our enforcement policy is to provide a framework to make sure that we work in an equitable, practical and consistent manner.
We recognise that most businesses want to comply with the law. We will endeavour to help these businesses and others to meet their legal obligations without unnecessary expense. When a business does break the law, we will consider all the surrounding circumstances before deciding whether formal action is appropriate. A prosecution will only be brought if it is in the public interest to do so.
We aim to prioritise and direct our regulatory effort effectively.
To achieve this, we will use ‘national’ risk assessment schemes or, where these are not applicable, we will implement a ‘local’, comprehensive, intelligence led risk assessment scheme.
Such risk assessments will have regard to all available, relevant and good-quality data. We will give due consideration of the combined effect of the potential impact and likelihood of non-compliance – this approach will enable us to focus our resources on the areas that need them most and to ensure that persistent offenders are identified quickly.
We will ensure that enforcement action is proportionate to the risks involved, and that the sanctions applied are meaningful.
We will be accountable for the efficiency and effectiveness of our activities.
We will treat all consumers and businesses fairly.
We will ensure that our enforcement practices are consistent – this means that we will adopt a similar approach in similar circumstances to achieve similar ends.
We will have regard to national guidelines in our decision-making processes.
We are committed to the open provision of information and advice in a format that is accessible and easily understood.
We will ensure that there is always a clear distinction between those actions necessary to comply with the law, and those which we recommend as best practice but which are not compulsory.
We recognise that a key element of our activity will be to facilitate and encourage economic progress against a background of protection. Wherever possible, we will work in partnership with small businesses and with voluntary/community organisations to assist them with meeting their legal obligations without unnecessary expense.
If there is a shared enforcement role with other agencies, we will consider co-ordinating with these agencies to minimise unnecessary overlaps or time delays and to maximise our overall effectiveness.
We support the Primary Authority scheme (and Home Authority Principle), which has been developed by food and trading standards authorities to promote good enforcement practice and reduce burdens on business.
We will therefore:
Wherever appropriate we will deal with a breach of the law by advice.
In deciding what enforcement action to take against an offender we will have regard to the following aims:
The range of enforcement options available to us includes the following:
In certain circumstances, contravention of the law may not warrant any action.
Including referral to another authority or agency for information or action.
Where a relatively minor offence has been committed but is not thought appropriate to take any further action, in which case the suggested corrective action and a timescale will be given.
The range of actions under this legislation includes the following:
To deal quickly and simply with less serious offences and to avoid unnecessary appearances in criminal courts.
A caution is an admission of guilt but it is not a form of sentence, nor is it a criminal conviction - it may be cited in court in certain circumstances. A record of the caution will recorded on the NAFN (National Anti-Fraud Network) database, which can be accessed by other enforcement authorities.
A prosecution will only be undertaken when the evidence passes the ‘Evidential Test’ and when it is in the public interest to do so – we will have regard to the Crown Prosecution Service Code of Practice.
Where it is necessary to carry out a full investigation, the case will be progressed without undue delay. All investigations into alleged breaches of legislation will be conducted in compliance with statutory powers and all other relevant legislation (and relevant Codes of Practice), including the requirements of:
As part of the investigation process, persons suspected of breaching legal requirements will, wherever possible:
Before a decision to prosecute is taken, the alleged offence(s) will be fully investigated, a Report compiled by the Investigating Officer and the file reviewed by a Senior Manager.
We will take into account the views of any victim, injured party or relevant person to establish the nature and extent of any harm or loss, including potential harm and loss and its significance in making the decision to take formal action.
Their purpose is to recover the financial benefit that the offender has obtained from his criminal conduct.
Applications may be made under the Proceeds of Crime Act for confiscation of assets in serious cases. Proceedings are conducted according to the civil standard of proof. Applications are made after a conviction has been secured.
Visitors to main reception areas will be advised where possible but it may be necessary to make an appointment. The Citizens Advice Consumer Service is the first point of contact for consumers. Businesses are advised to call the duty officer on 01305 224702.
To keep people informed on unresolved issues at no longer than monthly intervals.
Pay undisputed invoices within 30 days of issue date.
Before any legal action is taken there will be an opportunity to discuss the case, although if we are considering a prosecution it will be a formal interview.
Where a right of appeal against a formal action exists other than through the courts, advice on the appeal mechanism will be clearly set out in writing at the time the action was taken.
Contact Trading Standards for queries relating to businesses, farm businesses or if you have a concern about animal health and welfare.
Get consumers advice or report a matter to Trading Standards.
This Policy and all associated enforcement decisions take account of the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998. In particular, due regard is had to the following:
We are committed to providing open, equal and timely access to our services.
As we are continually seeking to improve our standards, this policy is subject to regular review.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received, or we have failed to live up to our promises, managers are always willing to discuss with you the cause of your dissatisfaction, and will try to find a solution.
If you wish to make a complaint or send us a compliment or comment about our service you can:
If you are still not satisfied, and feel you have been caused injustice, we will tell you how to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman.
We can produce this document other formats and languages if required. To request that call 01305 224702.