Small group training is essentially the same as personal training, but instead of being one-on-one, members work out in a group between 4 to 10 people under one trainer.

It's a popular choice for many people because of its relative affordability and the fact you can train with friends.

Benefits include:

  • the quality of a gym instructor
  • good value for money
  • with a small, like-minded community to share experiences and motivation

Small group training circuits

Sessions are run by Rob on:

  • Wednesday at 8am to 8:45am
  • Friday at 7:15am to 8am


£7.10 for non-members

£6.25 for diamond discount card holders

£3.20 for gold card holders


Each course is 6 weeks and you need to book and pay in advance.

Read our booking procedure and cancellation policy before you book.

Contact us to book a place