Weather disruption
Winter weather is causing disruption to services in some parts of the county. Find out what services may be affected in your area.
Use data to inform everything we do. Can we prove users need these webpages? Have we asked them?
Keep it simple, if the information is out there on another website link users to it – we don’t need a special Dorset version of everything.
Choose every sentence, every image and every page with care.
Use all the information at our fingertips to keep improving our digital services. Polishing each one to remove the sticking points so every transaction runs smoothly.
Invest the time and resources to write and build excellent online services.
Whether they use our website from their phone, a PC or a tablet, we need to get it right first time for all our users. Accessibility and usability go hand in hand.
This goes back to the focus on user needs. Building websites is fun but our citizens need a quick and easy way to buy a parking permit or renew their library books so they can get on with their day.
Stick to providing a service to citizens, everything else is a distraction. We recognise that some services, like country parks and leisure centres have different needs, so we have designed specific traded services components we can use to help them have a strong, competitive digital presence.
Around 100 different council services are represented on this website, all with different needs. For this reason we've put them in to 3 categories:
To maintain consistent, professional, high quality web content we follow the GOV.UK content design guidance.
See also the A-Z style guide which covers style, spelling and grammar to be used on the website, word by word