Our commitment to you

Treating you in the right way:

  • understand your needs
  • helpful, polite, considerate and treat you with respect
  • honest, fair and explain our decisions
  • keep your personal data secure and handle your enquiry sensitively, accurately and confidentially

Getting it right:

  • resolve your request the first time you contact us, or as soon as we can
  • work together to get the best outcome
  • do what we say we will do
  • update you on progress so you know what’s happening next and by when
  • say sorry and put it right if we make a mistake

Making it easy:

  • communicate with you clearly, in plain English and by your preferred channel
  • be accessible to everyone
  • increase our services online so you can use them at a time that suits you
  • publish clear information
  • explain clearly how to contact us

Involving you:

  • actively seek your views on our services
  • listen to you and use your feedback to help us improve

Our request of you:

  • treat us politely, fairly and with respect
  • give us the correct information at the right time
  • tell us when something changes
  • tell us when things go wrong so that we can put them right