Feedback from the Dorset Parent Carer Council information event March 2014

We asked attendees for feedback on our Local Offer. See the table for responses from parents of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities, and from professionals working with them. 

Feedback from the Dorset Parent Carer Council event in 2014
Your feedback The action we took as a result

We find it difficult to locate information. The amount of information can be overwhelming, so it's difficult to find the most relevant information to meet my family's needs.

Parents/carers new to Dorset or recently diagnosed would like impartial information 'in one place'.

Dorset's Local Offer website providing information on provision for children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities launched in September 2014.

In November 2016 following consultation with parents and some young people the information was improved and moved to to make it easier to find.


The information we find most difficult to locate is:

  • financial support
  • changes to education, health and care plans (EHCPs)
  • activities
  • childcare

You will now find this in our Local Offer in:

We want to know what support is available to prepare teenagers for becoming adults. Particularly education and work. You will now find this in our Local Offer in our preparing for adulthood section.
Education is the most important information we need.

You will now find this in our Local Offer in the *education and learning section*.

Schools, childcare settings and colleges have been asked to add details of their provision for children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities to their record in our Family Information Directory. Those that have provided this are marked with the yellow 'Local Offer' symbol. Search the directory for:

Feedback from consultation on the development of Local Offer information July 2014

We received feedback from 54 young people aged 11 to 24 years. See what they said in the table:

Feedback on the Local Offer from a consultation with young people in 2014
Your feedback The action we took as a result
The most important information for us is 'moving on', to include post 16 choices for education, employment and training.

You will now find this in our Local Offer in our preparing for adulthood section:

The second most important information for us is 'my health'; a broad topic to cover every day care, doctors and dentists, exercise, emotional wellbeing, sexual health and relationships.

You will now find this in our Local Offer in:

We'd like information on things to do in our spare time. You will now find this in our Local Offer in leisure and community.
Our parents and carers are mainly who we rely on for advice and information and we feel it's important to have good quality information they can access.

Our Local Offer is written in a way to be easily understood by parents/carers and young people.

Each page also has a button to 'listen' to what is written rather than reading it.

Other forms of information should be made available. A leaflet can be useful.

Our Local Offer includes a summary of local services that provide SEN and disability advice and support.

The Local Offer contains so much information that changes regularly it would be difficult to put it in one leaflet. You can request print outs of the information by calling the Family Information Service.

We don't want to be seen as different from our friends or singled out for additional information. The Local Offer is located alongside all information we provide on services for children and young people. Where relevant the Local Offer links to information that is for all children and young people, but you can easily search for information for your own needs too.

Give us your feedback

Let us know how we can improve our Local Offer by completing a feedback form. Feedback forms are at the bottom of every page.

Family Information Service - Dorset Council

Tel: 01305 221066
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