Stage 1: Feasibility and informal consultation

During stage 1 we will:

  • carry out an initial investigation to:
    • confirm if the request is possible
    • determine what effect the TRO might have on the highway network
    • decide whether we need to revoke or amend and existing TROs
  • consider if the proposal will simply move the problem elsewhere
  • consult with Dorset Police, Town/Parish Council and local members

Subject to the above points, the process will proceed to Stage 2.

Stage 2: Formal consultation

During stage 2 we advertise the proposal in the local press and on the website. There is a 21 day period to object, support or comment.

We then consider all the comments. We will:

  • consider formal objections through the appropriate council procedure
  • re-advertise the TRO if changes are made following consultation
  • sometimes decide not to proceed any further with the proposal
  • continue to stage 3 if there are no objections or we decide to continue with the proposal as advertised

Stage 3: Making the order

During stage 3 we will:

  • install all necessary signs and lines on site
  • advertise made public notice