Sometimes you may need a bit of extra support to help you keep going and prevent things getting worse. Find out what is available in your community.

You might be going through an unsettled period or experiencing a short-term illness but not be eligible for adult social care.  At times like this you might not know where to look for help.

The Dorset Integrated Prevention Partnership (DIPP)

There are services available to all, provided by the Dorset Integrated Prevention Partnership. A partnership of five providers that work together to deliver support. The providers include:

You can contact these organisations direct, or find more information on the Dorset's Community Response website.


There are a wide range of services on offer. The cost depends on who is providing the service.

Services provided by:

  • charities and volunteers will be free
  • small businesses (or micro-providers) will usually have a charge

Help you can expect

Examples of help could include practical help with:

  • shopping, collecting prescriptions
  • dogs and other pets – care, walking and feeding services
  • gardening, including clearing your garden if it is overgrown and unusable 
  • domestic tasks around the home and garden
  • driving to or from appointments or group meetings
  • basic odd jobs such as changing a lightbulb
  • moving furniture around the house or to a new house
  • supporting you for a short period whilst your family go on holiday 
  • helping you to prepare and serve a meal 
  • personal care

If you’d like some company, you can get:

  • befriending and companionship, either on the phone or in person
  • someone to accompany you to social meetings, social activities clubs or on walks
  • a sitting or respite service – for example, to sit with a cared for person 

There is support for complex needs if you need:

  • advice because you are in a crisis 
  • support with benefits and debt advice 
  • practical support to find or move house  
  • support into education, training, and employment
  • help to improve your physical and emotional well-being
  • or want to be supported to access your community

The You Trust

Home from hospital service

The You Trust provide help and support to people so they can return home from hospital. Find out more about the service on their website.

The You Trust will:

  • organise a deep clean and clearance for your property to enable you to return home
  • arrange carers to support you
  • access a 6-week trial of a careline to give your family peace of mind when you return home
  • with support and reassurance if you are feeling worried about returning home after a stay in the hospital
  • by checking your home environment is safe for you to return to
  • complete paperwork and sort finances 
  • access funding options such as grants
  • arrange for work to be completed on your house to help make it safer, such as by organising a disabled facilities grant application 
  • by referring you to a one-off support grant if there is something small that could be funded to help you leave hospital. For example, a microwave to prepare meals or support with cleaning to enable carers to access the property (if necessary) 
  • liaise with your landlords and housing teams if appropriate 

They work in partnership with Volunteer Centre Dorset. 

If you no longer need to be in hospital and are facing barriers stopping you from going home. Volunteers can provide short-term help with:

  • shopping
  • medication collection 
  • furniture moving or removal to enable space for hospital equipment 
  • welfare checks
  • making sure the heating is working 
  • meal preparation 
  • signposting to other community support where necessary

Social Reablement and Crisis Support

The You Trust also offer support in the community for people experiencing health and wellbeing issues. They help people to prioritise their wellbeing, supporting self-advocacy and developing resilience. 

They will:

  • put together a person-centred plan for you that will best meet your needs 
  • work closely with other agencies and partners to find the best service to help you with your needs
  • provide advocacy on your behalf
  • support you in a crisis with a plan of how to overcome the challenges you are facing 
  • offer practical assistance, for example when supporting you to move house or to access grant funding 
  • offer you support with benefits and debt 
  • give you housing and accommodation support 
  • find education, training and employment opportunities appropriate to you and your interests
  • help to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing
  • link you to community options that may be suitable 
  • prevent you from getting into a crisis or support your recovery following a crisis
  • support you if you are experiencing accommodation issues, poverty, social isolation, and poor physical or mental health

Find further information and drop in sessions across Dorset on their website. 

Contact the You Trust

The Lantern Trust - Community Resource Centre

The Lantern Trust run a community resource centre based in Weymouth. A welcoming and accessible hub, offering a range of support for people with complex needs. Providing group workshops and peer support which is informal and open to all. 

The service can help you if you:

  • are going through a difficult situation (to help you find services that could help you)
  • are in a crisis and need advice
  • need support with benefits and debt advice 
  • need practical support to find or move house  
  • need support into education, training, and employment
  • need help to improve your physical and emotional well-being
  • want to be supported to access your community

Contact the Lantern Trust

Volunteer Centre Dorset

A volunteer led response service provided by Volunteer Centre Dorset. They find volunteers to help support people in the community and support volunteers to be able to help. This can include support on the same or next day. On a short-term basis for people who need an urgent response. 

Contact Volunteer Centre Dorset


Shelter's 'Housing First' is a national initiative. They help people to find and maintain accommodation. They offer help and support to overcome any barriers a person may be facing. 

Referrals into this service are through a panel of experts which include the housing team and the community mental health teams. 

Help and Kindness

Micro-providers of care and support services

Find out more about the Micro-provider service run by Help and Kindness. The service can help to find someone who can support you in your own home with a variety of different tasks. 
A micro-provider can help:

  • support you at home
  • you with shopping
  • with domestic tasks around the home and garden
  • by offering companionship and befriending
  • by providing a sitting or respite service e.g. to sit with a cared for person 
  • you attend social activities if you need extra support 
  • provide personal care

They are either self-employed people or small local businesses (maximum 8 people) and usually charge for their services. 

Contact Help and Kindness.

The You Trust

Name: First Point Dorset Integrated Prevention Services (DIPS)
Tel: 0330 123 2550
Full contact details

Dorset's Community Response

Name: Help and Kindness
Tel: 01305 595958
Full contact details

The Lantern Trust

Name: The Lantern Trust
Tel: 01305 787940
Full contact details

Volunteer Centre Dorset

Name: Volunteer Centre Dorset
Tel: 01305 269214
Full contact details