2.1 The evidence section is broken down into 3 parts:
- evidence of air pollution effects
- evidence of traffic patterns
- evidence of air pollution remediation/mitigation opportunities
Evidence of air pollution effects
Nitrogen deposition
2.2 It is important to acknowledge that nitrogen deposition on to the heathlands comes from several sources.
The main sources of atmospheric nitrogen deposition are nitrogen oxides (NOx) from vehicles, industry and electricity generation and ammonia (NH3), mainly from agricultural sources. Some local sources will make larger contributions when they lie close to the heathlands, such as road transport, airports, waste sites and agricultural activities.
2.3 Indicative proportions figures of nitrogen deposition on the Dorset Heaths SAC from different activities produced by the UK Air Pollution Information System (APIS) provides an indication of the contributions of different sources to total nitrogen deposition on the Dorset Heaths SAC.
It represents the contributions averaged over a 5x5km square for the year 2012. It does not include the contribution from ammonia within the transport sector as this is an emerging area of research4 into how commercially available fuel additives, e.g. Adblue (used to control NOx emissions in diesel exhaust gasses) lead to elevated ammonia emissions which may require consideration at the local level - hence it is only indicative.
2.4 There are some activities which can’t be influenced at a local level such as deposition coming from abroad (Europe import) or aeroplanes and shipping (Other transport). Activities that can be influenced include agriculture (Livestock, Fertilisers) which accounts for 39% of deposition and vehicles (Road Transport) which accounts for 8%.
Indicative proportions of nitrogen deposition on the Dorset Heaths SAC from different activities:
- livestock (UK) 31%
- Europe import 8%
- non-agricultural waste 15%
- road transport 8%
- non agricultural non-abatable 10%
- fertiliser 8%
- other transport 7%
- others 5%
2.5 Data from APIS, shows the trend in nitrogen deposition to short vegetation within Dorset Heaths SAC over the period 2004 to 2018. This shows little change over the 14 year period.
Ammonia and nitrogen oxides
2.6 Ammonia and nitrogen oxides have toxic effects in their gaseous form, as well as contributing to nitrogen deposition.
Key sources of ammonia are from agricultural activities with a further contribution from road vehicle emissions associated with the technologies being used to control the nitrogen oxides emissions.
Lichens and mosses are particularly sensitive to toxic effects from ammonia.
2.7 Nitrogen oxides come from combustion sources, with road traffic being the key source.
Emissions of nitrogen oxides from road traffic have been declining over the last decade, due to the introduction of legal controls on vehicle emissions.
This is reflected in the roadside monitoring results for nitrogen dioxide from the former Borough of Poole over the period 2010 to 2019 which indicates that there has been an overall decline over this period.
This is due to both a reduction in regional emissions of nitrogen oxides and more directly to declining emissions from the road traffic close to the monitoring site from improving vehicle engine performance.
The effect of nitrogen deposition
2.8 This nitrogen deposition affects the vegetation of lowland dry heath, wet heath and mire, in particular, the lower plant and lichen communities as well as functional aspects of the habitats.
The likely effects of nutrient deposition are:
- heath vegetation becomes "lusher" and so more prone to adverse effects such as heather beetle, fungal attacks etc. The growth rate of some species is accelerated e.g. European and dwarf gorses
- the vegetation responds with increased grass dominance and especially non-typical grasses and herbs responding to higher levels of available nutrients
- nitrogen levels in heathland soils build up when there is increased aerial pollution and standard management measures such as cutting are less effective at removing nitrogen than more aggressive approaches such as humus removal
- the wetter habitats show increased vigorous purple moor grass cover due to increased nutrient availability
- bare ground and open habitats used by SPA birds and features such as sand scrapes, which are important habitats for sand lizards, become vegetated over more rapidly and require more frequent management
- site restoration measures are inhibited, e.g. succession pathway towards a bracken, birch seedling, grassland phase is facilitated rather than to heathland
- non-native invasive species such as Gaultheria spp, rhododendron, Amelanchia spp and laurel are able to grow and spread more effectively
- more vegetation growth can lead to an increased fire risk due to the higher fuel load produced and increased management costs and considerations
The air quality impact of combustion engine vehicles and how this affects the Dorset Heathlands
2.9 As highlighted above by APIS, combustion engine vehicles (motor vehicles) make an overall contribution of around 8% of the nitrogen deposition upon the heathlands.
However, Natural England advice to competent authorities is that this contribution will be higher within around 200 metres of the roadside5. The amount deposited on the vegetation declines rapidly away from the road.
2.10 Vehicle trips in the BCP Council and Dorset Council areas are rising and the Department for Transport projects this to continue.
Traffic volume increased by 4% from 2001-2018. This trend makes it harder to reduce nitrogen deposition to the heathlands in order to meet the conservation objectives.
Evidence of traffic patterns
The transition to zero emission vehicles
2.11 Government through ‘The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution’ (November 2020) is planning to ban the sale of new purely petrol and diesel-powered cars and vans by 2030 and the sale of new internal combustion engines (including hybrids) by 2035. Government intends to invest in electric-vehicle charge points.
The Ten Point Plan states that cars and vans makeup nearly a fifth of emissions.
2.12 As car manufacturing responds to this challenge, the current expectation is that by around 2030 the shift to zero emission cars and vans should result in air pollution levels returning to an acceptable level, helping to achieve the conservation objectives of the Dorset Heathlands in respect of air quality.
Measures are therefore required in the period between now and when wider government measures take effect and vehicle emissions reduce.
2.13 The two councils are facilitating the transition to electric vehicles through the provision of publicly accessible electric charging points and by encouraging developers to make electric charging points available in new homes and businesses.
There is rapid growth in electric vehicles across BCP Council and Dorset Council areas.
Transforming travel
2.14 The Government’s ten-point plan also includes proposals for significant further investment in public transport, cycling and walking.
Government had already awarded BCP Council and Dorset Council £100m plus from the Transforming Cities Fund to make a step-change in local sustainable transport options.
The local initiative called ‘Transforming Travel’6 will be the largest sustainable transport infrastructure improvement programme ever seen in the area.
2.15 The councils are already actively promoting sustainable transport options.
These strategies aim to improve accessibility and reduce reliance upon private motor vehicles for trips. BCP Council introduced a bike hire system in June 2019, with 235,000 journeys by bike in the first year.
Survey data from riders indicates that 18% of riders used a hire bike instead of a private car, taking 42,300 car journeys off the road.
2.16 The provision of bus services including high speed routes across the conurbation saw a large increase in bus patronage to 2010 after which usage has levelled off.
2.17 Moving forward the two councils are committed to Transforming Travel and as the project progresses over the next few years, will encourage an increasing of proportion of all trips to be made by public transport, cycling and walking.
Evidence of air pollution remediation/mitigation opportunities
Additional management practices on heathlands
2.18 As evidenced above, heathland management can counteract the harmful effects from air pollution.
To counteract air pollution from vehicles within 200 metres of a road, measures could include focussed grazing or stripping back of nutrient enriched soil / vegetation within these areas.
These methods are consistent with current heathland management practices but carried out in a more focussed manner.
This management will help facilitate native heathland species to recover.
Currently landowners can secure countryside stewardship payments to maintain lowland heath at £274 per hectare per year.
In the absence of detailed and costed management plans for the individual heathland sites, this cost is considered an established figure which should over the duration of the strategy ensure enough resources are available to counteract the identified harmful processes.
2.19 Using the road centre line for A and B class roads and measuring 200 metres in either direction identifies 638 hectares of heathland that are likely to be affected by vehicle emissions.
Only some of this area will be suited to measures, as for example some heathland will be established broadleaved woodland, or landowners may not be interested in introducing measures.
2.20 To counter the effects of vehicle emissions, increased land management practices can prevent areas remaining in an unfavourable condition, including:
- heather sward cut or burnt more frequently
- increased grazing stock rate/more mixed grazing
- focussed small grazing units to tackle specific problem areas
- litter stripping with the creation of banks
- soil stripping of affected soil humus and enhanced control of invasive non-native plants
- increased frequency of bracken and gorse control to direct regeneration to heathland
- creation of bare ground
- change of use of adjacent agricultural land to support conservation measures, e.g. Heathland Support Area
Nitrogen Futures
2.21 The DEFRA Nitrogen Futures project7 aims to compare current and possible future emission reduction policies to help maximise the benefits to ecosystems and the people that live near them.
2.22 The project has quantified the benefits from a range of potential emission mitigation options and develop different scenarios. The scenarios explore the location for mitigation measures to maximise benefits to ecosystems and protected areas.
The project results will be used as evidence to inform policy development at UK, country and local scale. It is not yet clear what the effect of the project on nitrogen deposition will be or the time scales involved.
Identification of potential Remedies for Air Pollution (nitrogen) Impacts on Designated Sites (RAPIDS)
2.23 The 2015 RAPIDS study8 sets out potential measures and delivery mechanisms to reduce nitrogen deposition on heathland. Some of the suggested measures are set out below for both agriculture and vehicle emissions, with an indication of the potential mitigation effect.
A selection of potential mitigation measures identified by RAPIDS
Agricultural emissions
Convert intensive agricultural land (arable and grass) to unfertilised grassland or semi-natural land cover (inc. woodland) around designated sites
Mitigation effect
Reduce mineral fertiliser application rates
Mitigation effect
Tree belt next to designated site
Mitigation effect
Improvements to manure spreading, e.g. slurry injection
Mitigation effect
Improved manure storage, e.g. a floating cover on slurry pits
Mitigation effect
In planning applications for new sites, local protection of a designated site may be much improved by landscape-planning, i.e. siting the development further away.
Mitigation effect
Vehicle emissions
Installation of bunds/screens alongside roads
Mitigation effect
Introduction of demand management technique, e.g. low emission zones (LEZs).
Mitigation effect
Real time traffic information e.g. optimising traffic flows, re-routing of traffic
Mitigation effect
Promote greener technologies e.g. financial incentives to take up electric vehicles
Mitigation effect